This will be a busy week

I knew that today was the start of a busy week. I have a lot to do for work and it is all due by the end of the week. Being a procrastinator I have avoided tackling the mountain of work.

feeling 1

Usually this inspires me to get focused and to power through the back log and work until it is all done. I have never missed a deadline, but today I began doubting myself and it led to me feeling …



I began working towards my work goal last night and as much as I focused solely on work I did not seem to be getting through much of it. Today, after dedicating an hour, with no interruptions, I had not made much headway.

I can see late nights in my future and a lot of brain straining.

The only lift to my day, was to have a few people comment to me on my swimming. They were such kind words and did inspire me to want to do more.

feeling 2



I hope you are feeling energised and inspired today

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